Let us start with the most important one of them all, on every adult dating site, eg https://banglocals.net/ it’s really important to listen to women. Listening doesn’t just mean stopping, talking, and just looking at her and watching her lips move. You actually have to pay attention to the meaning of the words coming out of her mouth and most importantly, tie it to non-verbal signals.
Pay attention to her facial expressions. Pay attention to how she moves her hands. Is she using any special gestures? When you pay attention to these extra details, you create a context of what her words are saying. If you pair this with how quickly she’s talking as well as her tone of voice, then you get a real clear understanding of what she’s really trying to say.
If you understand her completely, then she would respect you more. She would find you more attractive because guess what? Listening is an art. Most guys open their ears only to the extent that they hear what they want to hear. For everything else, they tune everything else out. That’s not really listening. If you’re the one guy that she has come across who actually listen to her, then chances are quite good that you would set the right environment which can mean both of you can have a good time at the end of the night.
Live for the moment
You have to remember that fuck dates are the kinds of activities that people who are looking for adventure engage in. if you are they type of guy who married his high school sweetheart and is married for life, then fuck dates have no meaning for you. You look at life as a long drawn narrative. It’s part of an ongoing theme. This is a great thing. This is a great position to be in if you find yourself in that position.
For the record, most of us mortals, we have to live in a moment by moment basis. By simply allowing yourself to be present at the moment and not let your attention wander to somewhere else, chances are quite good you would create an electric atmosphere with your date. That’s what she’s looking for. She’s looking for a connection that can lead to a physical connection. Now, don’t freak out. I’m not saying that she’s looking for an emotional connection. I’m just saying that she looking for an electrical or one to one connection that could be a precursor to a more intimate physical involvement.
Make her the focus on your attention
It’s really important to immerse yourself in your partner. In other words, drink her in. drown in her prescience. Why? The more you do this, the more you project your presence out, and the higher the likelihood that you’d create instant chemical intensity and electricity. The more intense the chemical signals are between you and your partner, the higher the likelihood that the sex, at least on the physical level, could be totally gratifying.
This is really important because this is what fuck dates are looking for. If you’re able to deliver it before the actual act, then there’s a higher likelihood that she would really be excited and both of you will walk away happy from the experience.